Posts tagged soul
Naming My Soul: My Name Change Journey

At birth, like the other 7.674 billion people around the world, I was given a name. For the last 33 years, I have gone by that name, despite feeling a genuine disconnect from it. As a child, around the age of 11, I told my parents that they had indeed given me the wrong name in a matter-of-fact tone. It wasn't a proclamation of disrespect or something I was saying to hurt their feelings. My mind couldn’t have been any further from that, but within it, I knew that my name held the narrative that my parents had made for me and my life, not the story that my soul had for itself. I truly believed that my birth name hadn’t corresponded to who I was: the spirited way I approached things, my precociousness, and my determined nature. It also held no alignment with my soul's unique path for this incarnation. I craved a name that sounded like a melody explicitly created for my soul to dance proudly and uninhibited to. To exists freely and unabashedly so.

To understand this concept, I should preface it with my life philosophy. I believe, above all else, that it is the soul that shapes and guides us as we navigate life. It fights to create a way to express itself while staying true to the mission it is here to accomplish-the one that belongs only to us. That is why we intuitively know when something is missing or out of alignment between how we are living, the mission of our soul, and how our soul wants to accomplish its mission. Our bodies are the mere vessels to serve as physical houses for our souls. Our minds and hearts are instruments in shaping the possibilities in which we realize and maintain our soul's journey.

For its relentless work, our souls deserve to be named sacredly in a way that resonates with it.

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